Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Dead Cats | Photos

 Dead Cat
 Dead Cat
 Dead Cat
 Dead Cat
 Dead Cat
 Dead Cats
Dead Cat


Unknown said...

this is nor funny at all the last pitcher is very sad and i cry that is not funny and you are not a cat person it look s like but ther are other people that loves cats and you just made a 10 year old cry im am reportinf this you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rude like if you agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

what the fuck
if you think this is funny you should burn in hell and thrown in jail. literally the only person to think this is funny is hitler. And what if one of thows cats were owened by a family. who ever posted this FUCK YOU ASSWIPING BITCH

Unknown said...

this is fucked up you think this is funny jackass

Anonymous said...

I never this was funny even me a dog person doen't find it funny

h8GWB said...

Hitler liked animals, though. Also, no proof he killed them and feral cats kill billions of birds each year, so don't ever imply you're an animal lover AND CALM THE FUCK DOWN because you sound just as bad.

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