Monday, 24 October 2011

Cute Raccoon In Photos

Cute-Raccoon-Image-01Funny And Cute Animals | Cute Raccoon | Here we have something about Cute RaccoonRaccoons are amazingly intelligent and adaptable creatures.  Although classified as a carnivore, raccoons are actually opportunistic omnivores.  As humans continue to take over their habitats, raccoons have been forced to try to live among us.  Often humans become irritated by raccoons rummaging through their trash or eating their pet food.  They seem to forget that the raccoon is simply trying to survive in a shrinking world.

Raccoons are orphaned for a variety of reasons, the vast majority of which are caused by humans. When their mothers are killed, babies will often remain in the den for up to two days waiting for their mothers to return. Eventually they become so desperate that they will plunge from trees.  Small raccoons that are found on the ground crying usually need to be rescued and care should be taken to look for siblings.  Raccoons are very good mothers and generally keep a close eye on their young.  

Cute-Raccoon-Image-02Raccoons typically have their babies in April and May after a 63 day long gestation.  However, we have received babies from early March through late August.  The babies are born with their eyes and ears closed and are completely helpless.  They open their eyes at around 3 weeks of age but don't start accompanying their mothers on foraging adventures until they are around 10 weeks old.  Raccoons mature slower than kittens and puppies and aren't weaned until 12-16 weeks of age.  They stay with their mothers well into the fall and often through their first winter.

Raccoons can get a variety of diseases and parasites.  Rabies must be mentioned as any mammal can get rabies.  However, there has never been a case of the raccoon strain of rabies in Kentucky.  This is not to say that a raccoon can not get rabies, but it is rare in Kentucky, and it is usually exposure to the skunk strain.  They can also get canine distemper and raccoon parvovirus (which is actually very similar to feline panleukopenia).  Raccoons can also carry baylisascaris procyonis or raccoon roundworm.  This parasite can be deadly to humans if ingested.  Kentucky Wildlife Center vaccinates the raccoons in our care for rabies, canine distemper and feline panleukopenia and deworms them regularly.  We do everything in our power to ensure the health and well-being of the animals in our care. For more information on raccoons, please Click Here to read.
 Cute Raccoon
 Cute Raccoons
 Cute Raccoons
 Cute Raccoon
 Cute Raccoons
 Cute Raccoon
 Cute Raccoon


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